Dr. Glickman's Supplements™
The ultimate Aloe vera supplement since 1996, Vera-mannan Supplement™.

The Vera-mannan™ supplement combines the best preserved, organic Aloe vera in a proper combination with natural Vitamin E to produce optimal healing results. It specifically uses Aloe vera’s polysaccharides derived from the Aloe vera gel which are safe, non-cytotoxic, and contain no barbaloin, the metabolite responsible for the strong laxative effect of Aloe vera latex. It is important to use only the Aloe vera gel, not the other two parts of the Aloe vera plant: (1) whole leaf and (2) latex. Beta-mannan™ uses the safe Aloe vera gel. An apple is good for you, but that doesn’t mean you should eat the bark of its tree. The gel of Aloe vera is good for you, but that doesn’t mean you should eat the rest of the plant. Aloe vera and Beta-mannan.
Vera-mannan Supplement™ provides excellent support for your immune system, boosts your energy level without stimulants, and restores a healthy sense of well-being with a relaxed and confident attitude.

When aches and pains diminish and mental clarity improves, this helps your productivity naturally. Vera-mannan Supplement™ simply makes you feel better.
Free Vera-mannan™ consultation with Dr. Glickman: If you need more detailed instructions about Vera-mannan™ or advice for your specific situation, please email Dr. Glickman at [email protected]. Dr. Glickman will answer your questions personally, usually within 4 hours. If you prefer to receive a phone call from Dr. Glickman, just send him your cell phone number or leave a voicemail with your cell phone at (512) 525-8731 and he will return your call, usually within 24 hours. He will text you before calling you to make sure it is a convenient time to talk. Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on
Free Medical consultation with Dr. Glickman: If you wish to schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Glickman about health issues such as HPV, Pap smears, cervical dysplasia, warts, leaky gut syndrome, food allergies, or autoimmune diseases, please leave a message at (512) 525-8731 or send your request here: [email protected] Or you may contact Dr. Glickman on
Be sure to include your name, email address, and cell phone number. Dr. Glickman will text you before calling you to make sure it is a convenient time for you to talk. He will be delighted to help you.